
Book Shop Now Open!

From October 11th 2024 to Octover 20th the store is open for orders ❤️

Discount codes have gone out to everyone eligible (that’s 15% for anyone in Herald ($13) and they should work a charm at checkout (I hope!)

Because the books are on back order, I’m only opening for a week at a time to collect together orders to submit them to the printer. That way I can put in one big order, save the planet that little bit by reducing shipping, and no one has to hang around too long to wait for their books while I collect together enough orders.

I plan to open the store roughly once every three months, so don’t worry if you miss out. It will be open again 😁

If youre a patron and want your book signed, just leave your patreon username in the order comments box at checkout, as well as any special instructions if you want a message etc.

You can check out the FAQ page if you’re unsure about anything.

Finally, these books are sold at cost. What that means is the price you see is what it costs for the books to be printed, plus minor costs such as packaging, paypal’s fees etc. There is an option to add a tip at checkout if you want to send me a little something, but it is 100% optional and is automatically set to no tip.

Thank you so much for your patience while I sort this out, and if you notice anything hinky or something doesn’t work, let me know. I’ve tested this site to the moon and back, but I bet I missed something!

Much love,

B xxx

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